Issuing of Identity Cards to Examination Candidates

Imewekwa: Oct 29, 2022

Due to some challenges encountered during the printing of the Examination Candidates’ Identity Cards, the Board has not been able to print new IDs for all candidates. However, majority of candidates for Dar es Salaam examination centres have been issued with new IDs. Those who have not yet received their IDs including upcountry examination candidates shall be required to use either one of the following IDs for identification: Old NBAA IDs or National Identity Card or Driving Licence.

Note that Examination Docket is required simultaneously with the presented Identity Card.

The Board is processing Identity Cards for the remained candidates that shall be issued when they are ready. For the candidate’s ID to be printed, a candidate must ensure that his/her photo was uploaded in this examination session. A candidate is required to remove and upload the photo again for activation and not necessarily to upload a new photo.

For any enquiry, please contact the undersigned: